應有的項目 |
Do's* |
1 |
保留現有/原有鄉村風貌 |
Preserve existing village settings |
2 |
保留鄉村歷史及文化傳統 |
Preserve village history, traditions and cultural traditions |
3 |
保存自然郊野風貌 |
Preserve natural countryside outlook |
4 |
重修及保留古蹟/遺跡/傳統村屋 |
Restore and maintain historical monuments, relics and tradtional village
houses |
5 |
保留原居民祠堂, 廟宇,節日 |
Preserve indigenous people's ancestral halls, temples, festivals |
6 |
保持田園風貌 |
Preserve rural landscape |
7 |
保持鄉村特色 |
Preserve village characteristics |
8 |
保存鄉郊傳統以推廣旅遊 |
Preserve village and countryside culture for tourism development |
9 |
還原鄉村 |
Restore villages |
10 |
文物徑/單車文物徑 |
Cultural and Cycle Heritage Trails |
11 |
旅遊發展 |
Tourism developmemt |
12 |
文化旅遊區 |
Culture tourism zone |
13 |
渡假酒店/渡假村 |
Resorts |
14 |
歷史資料館/博物館/五大家族博物館# |
Historical museum/Museum for the five main indigenous
families# |
15 |
郊遊徑 |
Hiking trails |
16 |
開放舊村参觀 |
Open old villages for tourists |
17 |
保存自然生態 |
Preserve natural ecology |
18 |
綠化區/綠化帶 |
Greenery/ Green belt |
19 |
樹木及天空 |
Trees and Sky |
20 |
生態區 |
Ecologcial zone |
21 |
有機耕種開發區, 有機農場 |
Develop zone for ogainic farming and organic Farms |
22 |
農庒 |
Farms |
23 |
農業用地 |
Agricultural land use |
24 |
人車分隔 |
Vehicle-pedestrian separation |
25 |
方便交通 |
Convenient transport |
26 |
改善交通配套 |
Improve transport facilities |
27 |
改善交通網絡, 與新界其他地區 |
Improve transport networkwith other areas in the NT |
28 |
行人取向的 (Pedestrian-friendly) |
Pedestrian-friendly |
29 |
環保運輸 |
Environmental-friendly transportation |
30 |
球場 |
Ball courts |
31 |
社區會堂 |
Community centre |
32 |
社區設施 |
Community facilities |
33 |
康樂体育設施 |
Recreation and sport facilites |
34 |
停車場 |
Car parks |
35 |
小學及大學 |
Primary school and university |
36 |
醫療福利 |
Medical services |
37 |
在石岡設極限運動中心(X-game centre) |
X-game centre at Shek Kong |
38 |
商場 |
Shopping malls |
39 |
火車站商場 |
Shopping centre at railway station |
40 |
低密度商業街 |
Low-density commerical street |
41 |
低密度發展(包括商業,住宅, 酒店) |
Low-density development (incl. commercial, residential and hotel) |
42 |
西鐵站上蓋低密度發展/高質素平房 |
Low-density, high quality property development on top of WR station |
43 |
西鐵站上蓋可有較密集發展 |
More intensive property development on top of WR station |
44 |
低層建築物 |
Low-rise buildings |
45 |
無煙城 |
Smoke-free city |
46 |
整體規劃與其他地區聯係 |
Overall town planning linked with other areas in NT |
47 |
村外圍發展 |
Develop at peripheral of villages |
48 |
改變荒地,廢車場土地用途/重新規劃 |
Re-plan abandoned land, scrap yard, open storage land use |
49 |
規劃及發展 |
Planning and development |
50 |
發展與週邊環境配合 |
Development compatible with surrounding landuse |
51 |
環保城市 |
Environmental-friendly city |
52 |
優美環境 |
Good environment |
53 |
大型屋邨 |
Large scale housing estate |
54 |
觀景 |
Views |
55 |
有生氣,消閒休憩社區 |
A vibrant, leisure and recreational community |
56 |
排污設施 |
Sewerage facilities |
57 |
就業 |
Job opportunities |
58 |
酒店 |
Hotels |
59 |
露天市場,茶座,廣場 |
Open air café, piazza, market |
60 |
物流總部 |
Logistic centre |
61 |
高尚住宅, 私人屋苑 |
High-class residental estate |
62 |
藝術畫廊 |
Art station/gallery |
63 |
保留風水林# |
Preserve 'Fung Shui' woods# |
64 |
中港交通中心/樞紐# |
Cross boundary transportation hub# |
65 |
混合商住環境# |
Mixed residential and commerical environment# |
66 |
發展長者居所/社區# |
Elderly homes and comunities# |
67 |
古蹟城# |
Monumental city# |
68 |
綠色走廊貫串南北郊野公園# |
Green corridor connecting country parks at the north and south# |
69 |
綜合性商場# |
Comprehensive shopping mall# |
70 |
發展機場# |
Develop the air-field# |