The first Round Multi-Stakeholders' Meeting objective

The major objective of the First Round MSP is to obtain the vision and perception of Stakeholders in the Kam Tin and Pat Heung area. The following table summaries the items Stakeholders expected to happen / not to happen in the area. The list form the base for Scenario-building and in the forth-coming Second Round MSP. Further comments and additional ideas are welcome. Please send your views and comments to

This list summarizes the DOs and DON'Ts items participants wrote down during the workshop.

* Direct translation from Chinese wordings

# Other items obtained from the group discussion





  應有的項目 Do's*
1 保留現有/原有鄉村風貌 Preserve existing village settings
2 保留鄉村歷史及文化傳統 Preserve village history, traditions and cultural traditions
3 保存自然郊野風貌 Preserve natural countryside outlook
4 重修及保留古蹟/遺跡/傳統村屋 Restore and maintain historical monuments, relics and tradtional village houses
5 保留原居民祠堂, 廟宇,節日 Preserve indigenous people's ancestral halls, temples, festivals
6 保持田園風貌 Preserve rural landscape
7 保持鄉村特色 Preserve village characteristics
8 保存鄉郊傳統以推廣旅遊 Preserve village and countryside culture for tourism development
9 還原鄉村 Restore villages
10 文物徑/單車文物徑 Cultural and Cycle Heritage Trails
11 旅遊發展 Tourism developmemt
12 文化旅遊區 Culture tourism zone
13 渡假酒店/渡假村 Resorts
14 歷史資料館/博物館/五大家族博物館# Historical museum/Museum for the five main indigenous families#
15 郊遊徑 Hiking trails
16 開放舊村参觀 Open old villages for tourists
17 保存自然生態 Preserve natural ecology
18 綠化區/綠化帶 Greenery/ Green belt
19 樹木及天空 Trees and Sky
20 生態區 Ecologcial zone
21 有機耕種開發區, 有機農場 Develop zone for ogainic farming and organic Farms
22 農庒 Farms
23 農業用地 Agricultural land use
24 人車分隔 Vehicle-pedestrian separation
25 方便交通 Convenient transport
26 改善交通配套 Improve transport facilities
27 改善交通網絡, 與新界其他地區 Improve transport networkwith other areas in the NT
28 行人取向的 (Pedestrian-friendly) Pedestrian-friendly
29 環保運輸 Environmental-friendly transportation
30 球場 Ball courts
31 社區會堂 Community centre
32 社區設施 Community facilities
33 康樂体育設施 Recreation and sport facilites
34 停車場 Car parks
35 小學及大學 Primary school and university
36 醫療福利 Medical services
37 在石岡設極限運動中心(X-game centre) X-game centre at Shek Kong
38 商場 Shopping malls
39 火車站商場 Shopping centre at railway station
40 低密度商業街 Low-density commerical street
41 低密度發展(包括商業,住宅, 酒店) Low-density development (incl. commercial, residential and hotel)
42 西鐵站上蓋低密度發展/高質素平房 Low-density, high quality property development on top of WR station 
43 西鐵站上蓋可有較密集發展 More intensive property development on top of WR station
44 低層建築物 Low-rise buildings
45 無煙城 Smoke-free city
46 整體規劃與其他地區聯係 Overall town planning linked with other areas in NT
47 村外圍發展 Develop at peripheral of villages
48 改變荒地,廢車場土地用途/重新規劃 Re-plan abandoned land, scrap yard, open storage land use
49 規劃及發展 Planning and development
50 發展與週邊環境配合 Development compatible with surrounding landuse
51 環保城市 Environmental-friendly city
52 優美環境 Good environment
53 大型屋邨 Large scale housing estate
54 觀景 Views
55 有生氣,消閒休憩社區 A vibrant, leisure and recreational community
56 排污設施 Sewerage facilities
57 就業 Job opportunities
58 酒店 Hotels
59 露天市場,茶座,廣場 Open air café, piazza, market
60 物流總部 Logistic centre
61 高尚住宅, 私人屋苑 High-class residental estate
62 藝術畫廊 Art station/gallery
63 保留風水林# Preserve 'Fung Shui' woods#
64 中港交通中心/樞紐# Cross boundary transportation hub#
65 混合商住環境# Mixed residential and commerical environment#
66 發展長者居所/社區# Elderly homes and comunities#
67 古蹟城# Monumental city#
68 綠色走廊貫串南北郊野公園# Green corridor connecting country parks at the north and south#
69 綜合性商場# Comprehensive shopping mall#
70 發展機場# Develop the air-field#

  不應有的項目(Don'ts) Don'ts*
1 高樓大厦 High-rise buildings
2 高密度發展 High-density development
3 大型商住區 Large commercial-residential area
4 大財團壟斷發展 Development monopolized by large developers
5 高度都市化 Highly urbanised
6 繁忙的道路交通/交通擠塞 Busy traffic/traffic congestion
7 露天貨倉 Open storage
8 露天停車場, 雜物場 Open air car parks, storage yards
9 廢車場 Scrap yards
10 非法垃圾堆放地方 Illegal dumpings
11 農業區 Agricultural area
12 禽畜業,豬場/雞場 Livestock (pig and poultry) farms
13 環境污染 Environmental Pollution
14 厭惡性/不環保行業 Polluting industry
15 工廠, 工業區 Factories, industrial area
16 破壞鄉村生境, 郊野公園, 保育區, Destroy conservation area, country parks, village ecological environment
17 完全改變地貌 Complete change of landscape 
18 環境惡化 Environmental degradation
19 辦公室 Offices
20 過份保育 Over conservation
21 水浸 Flooding
22 分割式發展 Segmental development
23 太人工化建築物 over-artifical buildings
24 機場 Airport
25 錯誤規劃,雜亂無章 Incorrect planning, without planning
26 學校或設施重複 Duplication of schools and facilities
27 高爾夫球場 Golf courses
28 卡啦OK Karaoke
29 荒廢農地, 濕地 Abandoned agriculural lands and wetland




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